World Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo Ink


All my life I loved to draw portraits, that’s what pushed me to the idea of doing the tattoo. It is important to do exactly what you love. My career started 5 years ago, about 3 years ago I started to do a good job. It is important not to sit still, and always improve skills. I always try to learn from the cool masters. I do realistic work, color and black and grey. I’m curious as accurately transfer the image from the paper to the skin, and I am glad that today it is technically possible. I see beauty in realism. My work expresses me as an artist, and give people the opportunity to express themselves. I try to travel a lot around the world, to meet and interact with different masters. Many of them inspire me. If you are not a lazy person and think that hard work lies on the road to success, you can all!

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