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Oleg Shepelenko is an artist in Rostovnadonu, Rostovskaya Oblast’, Russia, and knew he had a talent for art when he began painting in school. Always studying by himself, Oleg did not have any outside help, self-driven and inspired, he was curious and wanted to pursue tattooing. The decision to pursue tattooing occurred naturally for him, and as a loner, he did not want to work with an artist so he began doing things he loved and strived for the best results possible. His “do it yourself” attitude allowed him to develop his skill by studying via the internet viewing famous artistry and attempting to repeat the same. Although he is self-taught, Oleg still finds daily inspiration from work at a very high level as well as a few other talented tattoo artists like, Mike Devries, Mike Demas, and Nikko Hurtado. Oleg uses a Hawk machine as well having added World Famous Tattoo Ink to his tools of his trade, “And it makes me happy, after so many years of searching for good equipment.” Using his chosen tools, he is able to create masterful realistic art that he considers is his strong suit and does not work in any other style but realism. Not being able to describe any particular thoughts or emotions that run through his head whilst working intently on a piece, he simply says, “I cannot describe. This I must feel.”

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